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All categories Generation Consumption Market Exchanges Network
Daily load curves

For each hour of the day selected, discover the hourly energy generated by the selected production group. Generation data is compiled in H+1 using remote telemetry on the RTE network. This data relates to the net power injected into the network.

France Spot Electricity Exchange Generated power aggregated by sector Hydraulic stock Production installed capacity Schedule of Tempo-type supply offerings

Access data related to the BRP system: ● Reconstitution of PDS flows ● List of BRPs ● Imbalance settlement prices ● Balancing-imbalances account monthly balance

Consumption forecast Generation forecast Balancing Certified capacities registry PP1 and PP2 signals Parameters and market parties of the capacity mechanism Demand response Tender Warning Balancing capacity

The losses represent mainly the energy dissipated due to the Joule effect during transmission over the high and extra high voltage network. They depend mainly on consumption, the generation plan and cross-border exchanges.

NEBEF mechanism Demand Response

Scope : Capacities under a compulsory purchase contract exclusively relevant of balance perimeter EDF dedicated to purchased contract and mentioned below EDF-OA.

Balance of exchange programs

RTE publishes, for information purposes, the availability rates of the raw metering data in near real time.

NTC daily forecast import/export